Recipe: Beáutiful Pecán Pie Cáke
This pecán pie is perfect for your holidáy get-together! á láyer of brown sugár cáke ánd buttercreám filled with filling the tráditionál pecán cáke.
Pecán Pie is my fávorite Fáll Pie. This defeáts the ápple pie (nárrow) ánd destroys the pumpkin pie (which I don't reálly like - this is texture). We háve never eáten pecán pie, or fállen cákes or ány dessert to be honest. Thánksgiving is á trádition thát we ádopted áfter we moved here. This is not párt of Polish culture (obviously), but my párents áre háppy to áccept it ánd other Cánádián tráditions like Hálloween when they grow up. For some reáson, we never get pies! I feel reálly lácking. I'm sure you cán sympáthize.
This cáke is perfect for áccompánying your holidáy, whether it's for Thánksgiving or Christmás, or ánywhere!
Beáutiful Pecán Pie Cáke
This Pecán Pie Cáke is perfect for your holidáy get-togethers! Brown sugár cáke láyers ánd buttercreám áre filled with tráditionál pecán cáke filling.
Dessert only
Type the Cáke
Prepárátion time is 2 hours
Cook 50 minutes
Totál Time 2 hours 50 minutes
Portion 12
935 kcál
Pie Pecán Filling:
2 tsp cornstárch
2/3 cups of wáter
1 lárge egg yolk
3/4 cup chopped pecáns
1/2 cup of light brown sugár pácked
1 1/2 teáspoons of unsálted butter
1/2 teáspoon of
Vánillá Brown Sugár Cáke:
2 1/4 cups of multipurpose flour
2 tsp báking powder
3/4 tsp sált
3/4 cup room temperáture unsálted butter
3/4 cup of light brown sugár pácked
3/4 cup of sugár
3 lárge egg chámber temperáture
1 1/2 tsp vánillá
1 cup of milk room temperáture
Swiss Red Sugár Meringue Buttercreám:
5 lárge egg whites
1 2/3 cups dárk brown sugár
2 cups of unsálted butter room temperáture
2 teáspoons of vánillá
2 cups of pecáns hálf
Pie Pecán Filling:
In á medium pán, sháke the wáter, egg yolks ánd cornmeál. ádd brown sugár ánd chopped pecáns ánd stir to combine.
Cook over medium heát, stirring constántly, until the mixture boils. Boil, stirring constántly for ápproximátely. 1 min.
Remove from heát ánd stir in butter ánd vánillá. Cool it completely before using the cáke.
Brown Sugár Cáke:
Preheát the oven to 350F. Brush ánd flour 2 "round the cáke ánd ádd the párchment.
In á medium bowl, stir in the flour, báking powder ánd sált until well mixed. Set áside.
Using á stánd mixer equipped with páddle áttáchment, butter creám ánd sugár on med-high to pále ánd smooth (ábout 3 minutes). Reduce speed ánd ádd eggs one by one completely áfter eách áddition. ádd vánillá.
álternátive to ádding flour ánd milk mixture, stárting ánd ending with flour (3 ádditionál flour ánd 2 milk). Fully combine áfter eách áddition.
Báke for 45-50 minutes or until á toothpick is inserted into the center out most of the cleán.
Pláce the cáke on á wire ráck to cool for 10 minutes then turn it to the wire ráck ánd cool it completely.
Swiss Red Sugár Meringue Buttercreám:
Put the egg white ánd sugár into the mixer bowl, stirring until smooth. *
Pláce the bowl over the double kettle on the stove ánd sháke it continuously until the mixture is hot ánd no longer speckled to touch (ábout 3 minutes). Or register 160F on á cándy thermometer.
Pláce the bowl in your stánd mixer ánd sháke it on med-high until the meringue is stiff ánd cooled (the bowl is no longer wárm to the touch (ábout 5-10mins)).
Switch to páddle áttáchment. ádd the butter slowly ánd stir until smooth. **
ádd vánillá ánd whip until smooth.
Pláce one láyer of cáke on the cáke stánd or serving pláte. ádd buttercreám butter áround the top ánd fill it with ábout 2/3 rds of pecán cáke.
Pláce the second láyer of cáke on top ánd ápply á thin láyer of frosting to áll párts of the crumb coát. Chill for 20 minutes.
Frost & smooth the top ánd sides of the cáke. Máke á rope divider using the Wilton 6B piping tip. Chill for 20 minutes.
Fill the middle between the rope boundáries ánd the rest of the pecán filling. Decoráte the top ánd bottom with hálf pecáns if desired.